Plant Finder Search For More Plants View My Wish List Wish List Help Results 11 to 20 of 182 Click on any of the results to view the corresponding Plant Information Page 11 Add To MyWish List Pugster® Amethyst Butterfly Bush Buddleia 'SMNBDL' Plant Type: shrub Height: 24 inches Spread: 24 inches Sunlight: full sun A compact garden plant with large, full size amethyst flowers with orange eyes on sturdy stems; attracts butterflies; may treat... 12 Add To MyWish List Pugster Periwinkle® Butterfly Bush Buddleia 'SMNBDO' Plant Type: shrub Height: 24 inches Spread: 3 feet Sunlight: full sun A compact garden plant with large, full size soft purple flowers with orange eyes on sturdy stems; attracts butterflies; may... 13 Add To MyWish List Pugster Pink® Butterfly Bush Buddleia 'SMNBDPT' Plant Type: shrub Height: 24 inches Spread: 3 feet Sunlight: full sun A compact garden plant with large, full size pink flowers on sturdy stems; attracts butterflies; may treat as a perennial and cut... 14 Add To MyWish List CranRazz Butterfly Bush Buddleia davidii 'CranRazz' Plant Type: shrub Height: 6 feet Spread: 5 feet Sunlight: full sun An amazing garden plant with large, cone shaped clusters of rich raspberry blooms from dark red buds; attracts butterflies; a... 15 Add To MyWish List Funky Fuchsia™ Butterfly Bush Buddleia davidii 'PIIBD-II' Plant Type: shrub Height: 8 feet Spread: 8 feet Sunlight: full sun An amazing garden plant with large, cone shaped clusters of rich fuchsia blooms from dark red buds; attracts butterflies; rounded... 16 Add To MyWish List Green Mountain Boxwood Buxus 'Green Mountain' Plant Type: shrub Height: 5 feet Spread: 3 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun A compact hybrid broadleaf evergreen with a pyramidal shape, makes a great accent hedge or garden detail plant, as it takes... 17 Add To MyWish List Green Velvet Boxwood Buxus 'Green Velvet' Plant Type: shrub Height: 3 feet Spread: 4 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun A broadly mounded hybrid of this broadleaf evergreen that takes pruning exceptionally well; very versatile in the landscape,... 18 Add To MyWish List Sparkling Wine™ Redbud Cercis canadensis 'JN21' Plant Type: shrub Height: 15 feet Spread: 15 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun A wonderful shrub or small accent tree with beautiful dark rose-pink flowers in early spring, followed by thick, glossy dark... 19 Add To MyWish List Double Take® Orange Flowering Quince Chaenomeles speciosa 'Orange Storm' Plant Type: shrub Height: 4 feet Spread: 4 feet Sunlight: full sun A small shrub covered with stunning orange flowers in spring, a profuse bloomer; more compact than the species; thornless and... 20 Add To MyWish List Jade Waves™ Fernspray Falsecypress Chamaecyparis obtusa 'MonYur' Plant Type: shrub Height: 8 feet Spread: 4 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun An improved selection that has a compact, uniform, pyramidal habit; gracefully curved branches with sprays of fern-like foliage;... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 >> Site Map | Site Map XML A NetPS Plant Finder tool