Plant Finder Search For More Plants View My Wish List Wish List Help Results 401 to 404 of 404 Click on any of the results to view the corresponding Plant Information Page 401 Add To MyWish List Lemon Balm Melissa officinalis Plant Type: herb Height: 3 feet Spread: 5 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun A perfect addition to the herb garden with its lemony leaves; it prefers full sun but is moderately shade tolerant, especially in... 402 Add To MyWish List Spearmint Mentha spicata Plant Type: herb Height: 24 inches Spread: 3 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun This variety has aromatic leaves that are used for flavoring in many foods; lilac flowers rise above in late summer; great... 403 Add To MyWish List Chocolate Mint Mentha x piperita 'Chocolate' Plant Type: herb Height: 3 feet Spread: 3 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun A beautiful mint valued as a culinary herb or a groundcover; lavender flowers rise above in a mid summer show of color; great... 404 Add To MyWish List Common Thyme Thymus vulgaris Plant Type: herb Plant Height: 6 inches Flower Height: 8 inches Spacing: 18 inches Sunlight: full sun Common Thyme is smothered in stunning clusters of pink flowers at the ends of the stems from early to mid summer. Its attractive... << 36 37 38 39 40 41 Site Map | Site Map XML A NetPS Plant Finder tool