Plant Finder Search For More Plants View My Wish List Wish List Help Results 161 to 170 of 404 Click on any of the results to view the corresponding Plant Information Page 161 Add To MyWish List Rainbow Rhythm® Tiger Swirl Daylily Hemerocallis 'Tiger Swirl' Plant Type: perennial Height: 28 inches Spacing: 18 inches Sunlight: partial shade to full sun Triangluar, twisting golden-yellow blooms with chartreuse throats and large striking red eyezones; excellent for borders, groups,... 162 Add To MyWish List Dolce® Apple Twist Coral Bells Heuchera 'Apple Twist' Plant Type: perennial Plant Height: 12 inches Flower Height: 20 inches Spacing: 20 inches Sunlight: shade to full sun Dainty spikes of creamy white bells on tall stems rise from wavy, rippled chartreuse yellow foliage that matures to apple green;... 163 Add To MyWish List Black Forest Cake Coral Bells Heuchera 'Black Forest Cake' Plant Type: perennial Plant Height: 6 inches Flower Height: 12 inches Spacing: 10 inches Sunlight: shade to full sun This variety features mounds of dark, smooth, chocolatey foliage, topped with dazzling cherry red flowers in late spring; amazing... 164 Add To MyWish List Caramel Coral Bells Heuchera 'Caramel' Plant Type: perennial Plant Height: 10 inches Flower Height: 18 inches Spacing: 15 inches Sunlight: shade to full sun Dainty spikes of cream colored bells rise from a compact mound of peachy-gold foliage with reddish undersides, emerging red in... 165 Add To MyWish List Dolce® Cherry Truffles Coral Bells Heuchera 'Cherry Truffles' Plant Type: perennial Plant Height: 10 inches Flower Height: 20 inches Spacing: 26 inches Sunlight: shade to full sun Compact mounds of beautiful, bright red, heavily ruffled leaves that mature to burgundy-red in summer; light pink flowers;... 166 Add To MyWish List Citronelle Coral Bells Heuchera 'Citronelle' Plant Type: perennial Plant Height: 6 inches Flower Height: 12 inches Spacing: 12 inches Sunlight: shade to full sun Dainty spikes of cream colored bells rise from a compact mound of bright lemon foliage with silvery undersides; foliage is more... 167 Add To MyWish List Fire Alarm Coral Bells Heuchera 'Fire Alarm' Plant Type: perennial Plant Height: 9 inches Flower Height: 14 inches Spacing: 12 inches Sunlight: shade to full sun The reddest foliage in spring turns radiant copper-orange with red veins, returning to red in fall; pink bells in early summer;... 168 Add To MyWish List Fire Chief Coral Bells Heuchera 'Fire Chief' Plant Type: perennial Plant Height: 8 inches Flower Height: 15 inches Spacing: 15 inches Sunlight: shade to full sun White and pink bicolor bells rise from compact mounds of wine colored foliage; amazing contrast to other plants;great... 169 Add To MyWish List Georgia Peach Coral Bells Heuchera 'Georgia Peach' Plant Type: perennial Plant Height: 12 inches Flower Height: 18 inches Spacing: 15 inches Sunlight: shade to full sun Creamy bells rise from compact mounds of peachy-pink foliage with silver overlay; amazing contrast to other plants;great... 170 Add To MyWish List Dolce® Cinnamon Curls™ Coral Bells Heuchera 'Inheuredfu' Plant Type: perennial Plant Height: 12 inches Flower Height: 18 inches Spacing: 10 inches Sunlight: shade to full sun Stunning glossy foliage with mingled shades of copper, orange, red, and purple on top, and bright magenta on the underside; tiny,... << 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 >> Site Map | Site Map XML A NetPS Plant Finder tool